Album ꞌheavingꞌ
Single ꞌStereoscopeꞌ
2023 Album Art
Poster Design
Music Videos
Lucy Kruger
& the lost boys

Album ARt

& Visual Identity


Album art and visual language for Lucy Kruger’s album, ‘Heaving’ – including a number of singles, Spotify canvas, the final album cover and record sleeve design. The creative intention for this project was to evoke a sense of uneasiness; to unnerve the viewer and listener by using exaggerated colours to complement the album’s visceral and vivid storytelling.

Album ARt

& Visual Identity


Album art and visual language for Lucy Kruger’s album, ‘Heaving’ – including a number of singles, Spotify canvas, the final album cover and record sleeve design. The creative intention for this project was to evoke a sense of uneasiness; to unnerve the viewer and listener by using exaggerated colours to complement the album’s visceral and vivid storytelling.

Album ARt

& Visual Identity


Album art and visual language for Lucy Kruger’s album, ‘Heaving’ – including a number of singles, Spotify canvas, the final album cover and record sleeve design. The creative intention for this project was to evoke a sense of uneasiness; to unnerve the viewer and listener by using exaggerated colours to complement the album’s visceral and vivid storytelling.

Album ARt

& Visual Identity


Album art and visual language for Lucy Kruger’s album, ‘Heaving’ – including a number of singles, Spotify canvas, the final album cover and record sleeve design. The creative intention for this project was to evoke a sense of uneasiness; to unnerve the viewer and listener by using exaggerated colours to complement the album’s visceral and vivid storytelling.

Previous project