Album ꞌheavingꞌ
Single ꞌStereoscopeꞌ
2023 Album Art
Poster Design
Music Videos
Lucy Kruger
& the lost boys

Album ARt

& Visual Identity


Album art and visual language for Lucy Kruger’s album, ‘Heaving’ – including a number of singles, Spotify canvas, the final album cover and record sleeve design. The creative intention for this project was to evoke a sense of uneasiness; to unnerve the viewer and listener by using exaggerated colours to complement the album’s visceral and vivid storytelling.

Album ARt

& Visual Identity


Album art and visual language for Lucy Kruger’s album, ‘Heaving’ – including a number of singles, Spotify canvas, the final album cover and record sleeve design. The creative intention for this project was to evoke a sense of uneasiness; to unnerve the viewer and listener by using exaggerated colours to complement the album’s visceral and vivid storytelling.

Album ARt

& Visual Identity


Album art and visual language for Lucy Kruger’s album, ‘Heaving’ – including a number of singles, Spotify canvas, the final album cover and record sleeve design. The creative intention for this project was to evoke a sense of uneasiness; to unnerve the viewer and listener by using exaggerated colours to complement the album’s visceral and vivid storytelling.

Two videos were shot, and then interwoven to create a single complex image. Along with DTAN Studio, Julia printed 148 frames from each video with an inkjet printer. Then in analog, they cut vertical slices from one set of frames and lay them over the second set – cutting and pasting by hand to allow for movement, shadow, and imperfection. The final layered frames were then scanned in and reassembled.  

Previous project